Thursday 24 March 2011

Mobile payments to beat the fraudsters

Back in February, eWise launched a mobile app that allows consumers to pay for goods, services or bills online or face-to-face...nothing new here, you cry.

However, the clever people at eWise have developed a system that means the customer does not need to provide any personal information to third parties.

It’s a pretty neat package really, as proven in a demonstration I received earlier this week. The app allows customers to view their balance, choose an account from which to transfer the money, and pay through OBeP technology.

The launch followed that of eWise payo, an online payment solution developed with VocaLink. The solution would see a consumer choose to pay by payo on a merchant’s payment page, from which they are redirected to payo’s payment page. They can then choose the account they wish to pay from and complete the transaction. They are then sent back to the merchant website. No
So mobile ecommerce transactions, P2P payments, bill payments and T-Commerce can now be conducted thanks to the mobile app incorporating this technology. The consumer uses their smartphone camera capability to scan a QR code generated by the merchant or individual – they then loop through to the payo system, choose an account to pay from, and pay.

I met with John France, managing director at eWise European Payments Division, to look at the technology, and he revealed that, as yet, no bank has signed up, although they are in talks.

I’m not quite sure what the problem is – whether it comes down to banks unsure of venturing into new territory, a lack of funds etc – but you would think that a payments mechanism that could potentially crack the fraud ring, particularly against a backdrop of the fraud statistics over the last couple of weeks, banks would be falling over themselves to invest.

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