Tuesday 11 October 2011

Pet PR peeves

I was recently asked to speak at an industry association event on the relationship between Editors and PRs and, specifically, provide advice to PRs and their tech vendor clients looking to engage with the trade press. All of which got me thinking about my pet PR peeves. In no particular order:

PRs who send a press release, then call five minutes later to ask, did you receive it and is it of interest? Sample answer: I haven't read it yet - amazing as this may sound I don’t sit around all day waiting for your latest press release. A recent response to that: Erm, OK, are you going to use it then?

Companies who clearly have not read FStech or even taken time to look at the website, but still feel it’s OK to send over badly written, irrelevant pitches and press releases. Then chase you up about them.

PRs who, because you met them once, think you’re their best mate and so contact you with random requests, such as: 'could you do me a solid and meet with my new client? They expect instant results and it will make me look good.'

Aggressive PRs who bombard you with calls and emails, telling you that their client’s latest press release is ideally suited to your mag and you really should run the story. Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you?

Phew, rant over! I should stress that there are some good PRs out there, guys (and gals) who take the time to research your mag and tailor their pitches and communications accordingly. When it comes to these individuals, I am always happy to take their calls and respond to their emails. But there are a lot of time wasters in the technology vendor PR business who do their industry and clients more harm than good. And who get short shrift from your’s truly.

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